Neal Stephenson2008




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Erasmas, "Razï", is a young avout living in the Concent, a sanctuary for mathematicians, scientists, and philosophers. Three times during history's darkest epochs, violence has invaded and devastated the cloistered community. Yet the avout have always managed to adapt in the wake of catastrophe.

But they now prepare to open the Concentïs gates to the outside world, in celebration of a once-a-decade rite. Suddenly, Erasmas finds himself a major player in a drama that will determine the future of his world as he sets out on an extraordinary odyssey that will carry him to the most dangerous, inhospitable corners of the planets and beyond.

4 éditions pour ce livre

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2024 Editions Albin Michel (Imaginaire)

Française Langue française | Traduit par Jacques Collin | 1200 pages | Sortie : 30 octobre 2024 | ISBN : 9782226457004

2009 Editions Harper

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 1008 pages

2008 Editions Atlantic Books (Fiction)

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 981 pages | ISBN : 9781843549178

2008 Editions William Morrow & Company

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 935 pages

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