DC VS. Vampires, book 1
James Tynion IV, Matthew Rosenberg et Collectif2022




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The war for Earth isn’t beginning… it’s already here! It’s the heroes of the DC Universe against the undead in an epic fight for the very survival of the human race!

The Justice League has long protected Earth from all manner of foreign and alien invaders over the years, always keeping a vigilant eye to the skies for the next threat. But what if the threat was already walking the Earth…hiding in plain sight…watching…waiting for their moment to strike…

A mysterious new vampire lord has already put a plan in motion to conquer the Earth, and his horde are hunting on the streets of Gotham. Can Batman save his city—or will he succumb to the undead plague?
(Collects DC vs. Vampires #1-6)

Titre original : DC VS. Vampires, book 1 (2022)

2 éditions pour ce livre

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2023 Editions Urban Comics (DC Deluxe)

Française Langue française | 208 pages | Sortie : 7 avril 2023 | ISBN : 9791026823452

2022 Editions DC Comics

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 160 pages | Sortie : 27 septembre 2022 | ISBN : 9781779516794

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