Anatomy of a boyfriend
Daria Snadowsky2007




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Before this all happened, the closest I'd ever come to getting physical with a guy was playing the board game Operation. Okay, so maybe that sounds pathetic, but it's not like there were any guys at my high school who I cared to share more than three words with, let alone my body. Then I met Wes, a track star senior from across town. Maybe it was his soulful blue eyes, or maybe my hormones just started raging. Either way, I was hooked. And after a while, he was too. I couldn't believe how intense my feelings became, or the fact that I was seeing—and touching—parts of the body I'd only read about in my Gray's Anatomy textbook. You could say Wes and I experienced a lot of firsts together that spring. It was scary. It was fun. It was love. And then came the fall

1 édition pour ce livre

2007 Editions Delacorte Press

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 272 pages

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1 commentaire

  • Alodis Le 22 Décembre 2013 à 21:13
    Enfin un livre qui montre les premiers "émois", les premières relations..physiques tels qu'ils le sont en réalité, c'est à dire le plus souvent maladroits, pas à la hauteur de nos espérances etc.. Mais attention, ce livre n'est pas à mettre entre les mains des plus jeunes.

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