Polyglot: How I Learn Languages
Kató Lomb1970




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Kató Lomb (1909-2003) was one of the great polyglots of the 20th century. A translator and one of the first simultaneous interpreters in the world, Lomb worked in 16 languages for state and business concerns in her native Hungary. She achieved further fame by writing books on languages, interpreting, and polyglots.

Polyglot: How I Learn Languages, first published in 1970, is a collection of anecdotes and reflections on language learning. Because Dr. Lomb learned her languages as an adult, after getting a PhD in chemistry, the methods she used will thus be of particular interest to adult learners who want to master a foreign language.

Titre original : Polyglot: How I Learn Languages (1970)

1 édition pour ce livre

2008 Editions Tesl-Ej

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 215 pages | ISBN : 9781606437063

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