Underneath the Sycamore Tree
B. Celeste2019




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It happened in stages.?
My father left.?
My twin sister died of an incurable autoimmune disease.?
My mother started breaking down.?
Then I was diagnosed with the very thing that took my other half from me.?
That was when I realized Mama’s eyes turned gold when she cried.?
So I moved in with my father and his new family—new wife, new son, new stepbrother.?
Kaiden Monroe made me feel normal.?
Hated. Cared for. Loathed. And … loved.?
Somewhere along the way, I’d found solace in the boy with brooding eyes.?
But everything happens in stages.?
And nothing good ever lasts.

Titre original : Underneath the Sycamore Tree (2019)

1 édition pour ce livre

2019 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 412 pages | ISBN : 9781696771177

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