Fugitive Pieces
Anne Michaels1999




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Athos and I stood together on deck and looked across the water at the bright city. From this distance no one would guess the turmoil that had torn apart Greece ... The sea began to darken, and Athens, glowing in the distance, seemed to float on the horizon like a bright ship.

Jakob Beer is seven years old when he is rescued from the ruins of a buried village in Nazi-occupied Poland. He is the only one of his family to have survived the invasion. Adopted by his saviour, the Greek geologist Athos, Jakob must steel himself to excavate the horrors of his own history.

2 éditions pour ce livre

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1999 Editions France Loisirs

Française Langue française | 394 pages | ISBN : 2744125679

2017 Editions Bloomsbury

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 304 pages | ISBN : 9781408891353

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