Which book are you reading this week?

  • Aurelie91

    Lecteur assidu

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    #31 27 Novembre 2013 19:17:44

    I didn't read this book. A few days ago, I received a message from Damien Khérès a french author. He told me that he has written a book but it was hard to promote it. Therefore, he asked me if I agreed to read his book and write a little report on my blog. I accepted his offer and now I am reading his book named "au-delà des lettres". I only read 19 pages but it seems quite interesting =)
  • Le zeppelivre

    Parent d une bébé PAL

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    #32 27 Novembre 2013 19:28:48

    Jwann a écrit

    This part of the forum doesn't seem to be very active but I would like to talk with anyone who wants.

    This week I read "Seul dans Berlin" which is very interesting. It's about the life in Berlin during the World War II but that's not too serious as that kind of book is often. I like history but read about the past is often boring because a lot of novels are written as a history class. (I'm maybe not very clair, I cannot explain what I mean...) That's not at all the case here, the reader is following the life of several dwellers of the same building (the old jew woman, the pro-Hitler family, the postwoman...), their problems... I really like it. Of course I read it in English, my level in German isn't good enough and there's no interest to read a German book in English. Has someone read it yet ? What are you reading currently ?

    Good idea, Jwann!:ok:
    I read a lot of books at the same time : I began "The Other Side Of Truth" in english for school, and in french, I read "Madame Bovary". And for pleasure, I start "Carrie " (I hope going see the movie in cinema! ^^)

    Dernière modification par HanaShinoLili (11 Décembre 2013 16:51:07)

  • beckygirly

    Collectionneur de pages

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    #33 28 Novembre 2013 13:58:27

    I've never read Seul dans Berlin. I'm still trying to read all Agatha Christie's books, I've a lot to do. But I'm reading other novels at the same time.
    Currently I'm reading Meurtres pour Rédemption by Karine Giebel. It takes place in a prison, we're following Marianne, a young woman convicted for murder who has difficulty in restraining her strenghth and anger. We're taken behind the scenes and it's kind of hard, but for the moment I have difficulties sympathizing with the heroin.

    I'm also reading Lord Edgware Dies and we'll start soon Rebecca (as soon as I've it in English).

  • Ichmagbücher

    Correctrice Bibliomania

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    #34 05 Janvier 2014 22:00:01

    Last week, I read the last Alex Rider : Russian Roulette. I read it in English, I like very much the style of Antony Horowitz, even much better in English than in French. But I suppose it's normal, it can't be the same with a translation.
  • Jwann

    Petit chimiste des mots

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    #35 05 Janvier 2014 22:09:35

    That"s good to read in a foreign language.  I don't know Alex Rider at all. What kind of novel is it ?
    I think one of my future reading will be harry potter and the sorcerer's stone in english. I would like to read it in English since a very long time now...
  • Ichmagbücher

    Correctrice Bibliomania

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    #36 05 Janvier 2014 22:43:13

    It's a spy novel. Alex Rider is 14, when his uncle, with who he lives, dies. He quickly finds out that he was a spy, and the MI6 - British Intelligence Services - decides to hire Alex so that he can finish the mission of his uncle.
    Well, in fact the last novel isn't really about Alex Rider, it rather tells the story of another character.
    Anyway, I like very much this Saga.

    And you're right Jwann, it's good to read in another language, it allows us to learn vocabulary and idioms.

    Dernière modification par Ichmagbücher (05 Janvier 2014 22:46:29)

  • Jwann

    Petit chimiste des mots

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    #37 05 Janvier 2014 22:45:00

    Ok thank you for the explanation :)
  • Le zeppelivre

    Parent d une bébé PAL

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    #38 06 Janvier 2014 21:12:03

    Ichmagbücher a écrit

    It's a spy novel. Alex Rider is 14, when his uncle, with who he lives, dies. He quickly finds out that he was a spy, and the MI6 - British Intelligence Services - decides to hire Alex so that he can finish the mission of his uncle.
    Well, in fact the last novel isn't really about Alex Rider, it rather tells the story of another character.
    Anyway, I like very much this Saga.

    And you're right Jwann, it's good to read in another language, it allows us to learn vocabulary and idioms.

    I have heard about this book, and I watched the movie a long time ago. I'm a fan of Alex Pettyfer :heart:
    This week, I carry on "The Enkidiev Heirdoms" (I'm not sure for the english title ^^') by Anne Robillard. I don't like so much, I confound the caracters

    Dernière modification par HanaShinoLili (06 Janvier 2014 21:12:32)

  • SeaStar

    Livraddictien débutant

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    #39 12 Janvier 2014 05:54:29

    Nice an English post x) My english is verry bad, i'm sorry ! So , this week , I think that I road 2 books. First , I road ''La Maison du Claire de Lune'' by Mary Higgins Clark and it surprised me. After this book , I thought about take a break to make my homeworks but I had finaly read ''Personne ne m'aime'' . One of my teacher gave it to me and , happiness , I road the story ( 200 pages) at somes hours. So , tomorrow , I will make mathematics homeworks and a ''house exam''...I don't know if I will have the time to start ''Séquestré''..I love school and I love to learn but..Sometimes I really hate homeworks.
  • Le zeppelivre

    Parent d une bébé PAL

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    #40 12 Janvier 2014 14:43:46

    SeaStar a écrit

    Nice an English post x) My english is verry bad, i'm sorry !

    I hope this topic could help you! :ok:
    I finish The Enkidiev Heirdoms by Anne Robillard and The Other Side Of Truth by Beverley Naidoo, I was disapointing by those two books. Not very good readings :(
    Now I begin Kaleb by Myra Eljundir, and I like it so much! It makes me think to BZRK by Michael Grant, one of my favourites novels. A lot of action and a very nice character!

    Dernière modification par HanaShinoLili (12 Janvier 2014 14:44:31)