Dreaming with my eyes wide open
Joey Kidney2021




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Joey's latest book 'Dreaming' is a book of poems modeled after his popular TikTok and Instagram content.

He provided these words to describe the overall tone and achievement of the book. "I wrote this book to better express the feeling of being here without being seen. The feeling of being in love with no one by your side.

He further describes his emotional state when he wrote the book: "The feeling of being heartbroken with no heart to break. The feeling of not wanting to sleep because you don't want to miss out on any of this beautiful life. Whether it is love, guilt, pain, happiness, or sorrow, it is written about in this book in hopes for you to better understand and realize that you are not alone."

We continue with Joey on his mental health journey as he continues to provide insight into his mind, his daily battles with mental health, and how he navigates the viewer (or reader) along that path with him.

Titre original : Dreaming with my eyes wide open (2021)

1 édition pour ce livre

2021 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 88 pages | ISBN : 9781999055615

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