You want to practice your English? Have a penfriend!

  • LesYeuxPlusGrosQueLeTemps

    Marin sur les mers du savoir

    Hors ligne

    #61 28 Février 2014 15:12:53

    I have pen pals but I really prefer write letters this is such better than mails…
  • AnGee

    VIP des bibliothèques

    Hors ligne

    #62 17 Mars 2014 01:00:30

    After a month, now I must say that I'm a bit disappointed... I've received many mails, but most of them time people stop answering after one or two mails. I've also received many mails from guys who are like "I'm looking for a girl", "can you send me a picture of you"... I'm looking for a pen friend, not a boyfriend!
  • Lisabulle

    Lecteur initié

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    #63 17 Mars 2014 06:07:31

    I must said the same thing and I don't know why either they stop writing.
  • pikazooe

    Livraddictien débutant

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    #64 06 Avril 2014 14:11:07

    I would love to have a penpal, I'm not a big fan of emails but I'm not really sure about giving my address to strangers.. Do you have tips so I stop feeling like some crazy paranoid girl ? haha
  • Jennadicct

    Casual lecteur

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    #65 25 Juillet 2014 21:42:16

    Thank you for this site ! I met Nicole and it's so cool ! I have a English exam this year and I have..... 5.6 !
    5.6 / 6 :P
    It's amazing ! I'm so happy !
  • Kaecilia

    Surfeur des couvertures

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    #66 23 Octobre 2015 19:45:01

    Thank you for this site! I send two emails, I'm waiting for answers!
  • Vozrozhdenyie


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    #67 07 Novembre 2015 15:55:38

    Thanks a lot for the websites. I wrote an ad on PenPalNow... now I'm waiting for an answer :yeah:
  • Max Hell

    Lecteur professionnel

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    #68 09 Novembre 2015 13:55:48

    I just asked a friend I met through Minecraft to send me letters, so if you have contacts somewhere outside of France, just ask them to send you a letter instead of Facebook or messaging :)

    or even within France, but just write letters in English :P

    Dernière modification par Max Hell (09 Novembre 2015 13:56:09)

  • Kraoki

    Livraddictien débutant

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    #69 10 Janvier 2016 17:45:01

    I know a website called Conversation Exchange. You can meet people from all over the world, which can help you speaking English, but also Spanish, Chinese or whatever you want.
    I'm a bit shy so I'm always afraid of sending messages to strangers haha
  • Invité


    #70 11 Février 2016 23:47:16

    I begin conversation two days ago and that begin in good way  :D