Charles Soule Homme
Drapeau Etats-Unis Etats-Unis

143 livres

Accès rapide : 27 (Twenty Seven) - Aquaman (Renaissance) - Curse Words - Daredevil (All-New All-Different) - Daredevil Legacy - Deadpool: World's Greatest - Inhuman (comics) - Le règne de Swamp Thin - Letter 44 - Red Lanterns (Renaissance) - Star Wars (2020) - Star Wars : Crimson Reign - Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith - Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith (double) - Star Wars : Hidden Empire - Star Wars : La Haute République, phase I - Star Wars : La Haute République, phase I (Comics, Intégrale) - Star Wars : La Haute République, phase II (Comics) - Star Wars : La Haute République, phase III (Comics) - Star Wars : Poe Dameron - Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters - Star Wars Dark Droids - Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics) - Star Wars: Lando (comics) - Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin - Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics) - Superman/Wonder Woman - Superman/Wonder Woman (Renaissance) - Swamp Thing - Undiscovered Country - Undiscovered Country (fascicule) - One-shots

Titre Année VF Moyenne

27 (Twenty Seven)

27 (Twenty Seven), book 1: First Set 2011

Aquaman (Renaissance)

Aquaman (Renaissance), tome 4 : Tempête en eau trouble (Aquaman, book 5 : Sea of Storms) 2014

Curse Words

Curse Words, tome 1 : Le Diable de tous les diables 2019

Daredevil (All-New All-Different)

Daredevil (All-New All-Different), tome 1 : Un témoin génant (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 1: Chinatown) 2016 2016
Daredevil (All-New All-Different), tome 2 : Bluffeur en Vue (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 2: Supersonic) 2016 2017
Daredevil (All-New All-Different), tome 3 : Art macabre (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 3: Dark Art) 2017 2017
Daredevil (All-New All-Different), tome 4 : Pourpre (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 4: Identity) 2017 2018
Daredevil (All-New All-Different), tome 5 : Justice (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 5: Supreme) 2017 2018

Daredevil Legacy

Daredevil Legacy, tome 1 : Fisk : Le Maire (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 6: Mayor Fisk) 2018 2018
Daredevil Legacy, tome 2 : Peur sur la ville (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 7: Mayor Murdock) 2018 2019
Daredevil Legacy, tome 3 : La Mort de Daredevil (Daredevil: Back in Black, book 8: The Death of Daredevil) 2019 2019

Deadpool: World's Greatest

Deadpool: World's Greatest, book 04: Temporary Insanitation 2016

Inhuman (comics)

Inhuman, tome 1 : Inhumanité 2014 2017

Le règne de Swamp Thin

Le règne de Swamp Thing, tome 1 : La Guerre des avatars (Swamp Thing: Seeder, book 1) 2014

Letter 44

Letter 44, tome 1 : Vitesse de libération (Letter 44, book 1: Escape velocity) 2014 2015
Letter 44, tome 2 : Décalage spectral (Letter 44, book 2: Redshift) 2015 2015
Letter 44, tome 3 : Matière négative (Letter 44, book 3: Dark Matter) 2016
Letter 44, tome 4 : Le temps des sauveurs (Letter 44, book 4: Saviors) 2017
Letter 44, tome 5 : Décalage vers le bleu (Letter 44, book 5: Blueshift) 2017 2018
Letter 44, tome 6 : La Fin 2018

Red Lanterns (Renaissance)

Red Lantern (Renaissance), book 04: Atrocities 2014

Star Wars (2020)

Star Wars (2020), tome 1 : La voie du destin (Star Wars (2020), book 1: The Destiny Path) 2020 2021
Star Wars (2020), tome 2 : Opération flambeau (Star Wars (2020), book 2: Operation Starlight) 2021 2021
Star Wars (2020), tome 3 : War of the Bounty Hunters (Star Wars (2020), book 3: War of the Bounty Hunters) 2021 2022
Star Wars (2020), tome 4 : Crimson Reign (Star Wars (2020), book 4: Crimson Reign) 2022 2022
Star Wars (2020), tome 5 : La route vers la victoire (Star Wars (2020), book 5: The Path To Victory) 2023 2023
Star Wars (2020), tome 6 : Les quêtes de la Force (Star Wars (2020), book 6: Quests Of The Force) 2023 2024
Star Wars (2020), tome 7 : Dark Droids (Star Wars (2020), book 7: Dark Droids) 2024 2024

Star Wars : Crimson Reign

Star Wars : Crimson Reign, tome 1 (Star Wars: Crimson Reign, book 1) 2021 2022
Star Wars : Crimson Reign, tome 2 (Star Wars: Crimson Reign, book 2) 2022 2022
Star Wars : Crimson Reign, tome 3 2022
Star Wars : Crimson Reign, tome 4 (Star Wars: Crimson Reign, book 4) 2022 2022
Star Wars : Crimson Reign, tome 5 : Épilogue 2023 2023

Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith

Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith, tome 1 : L'élu (Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, book 1: Imperial Machine) 2017 2018
Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith, tome 2 : Les ténèbres étouffent la lumière (Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, book 2: Legacy's End) 2018 2018
Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith, tome 3 : Mers de feu (Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, book 3: The Burning Seas) 2018 2019
Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith, tome 4 : La forteresse de Vador (Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, book 4: Fortress Vader) 2019 2019

Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith (double)

Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith (double), tome 1 : L'Élu
Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith (double), tome 2 : La forteresse de Vador

Star Wars : Hidden Empire

Star Wars : Hidden Empire, tome 0 : Prologue 2023
Star Wars : Hidden Empire, tome 1 2023
Star Wars : Hidden Empire, tome 2 2022 2023
Star Wars : Hidden Empire, tome 3 2023 2023
Star Wars : Hidden Empire, tome 4 2023 2023

Star Wars : La Haute République, phase I

Star Wars : La Haute République : La Lumière des Jedi (Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi) 2021 2021
Star wars: The High Republic: Starlight stories 2022

Star Wars : La Haute République, phase I (Comics, Intégrale)

Star Wars : La haute république (comics, intégrale), tome 3 : La fin des Jedi (Star Wars: The High Republic: Jedi's End) 2021 2022

Star Wars : La Haute République, phase II (Comics)

Star Wars : La haute république (comics), HS : La lame (The High Republic : The Blade) 2022 2023

Star Wars : La Haute République, phase III (Comics)

Star Wars : La Haute République, phase III (Comics), hors-série : Les ombres du flambeau (Star Wars: The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight) 2023 2024

Star Wars : Poe Dameron

Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 1 : L'escadron Black 2016 2016
Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 2 : Sous les verrous 2017 2017
Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 3 : La tempête approche (Star Wars: Poe Dameron, book 2: The Gathering Storm) 2017 2017
Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 4 : Disparition d'une légende 2018 2018
Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 5 : La Légende retrouvée 2018 2018
Star Wars : Poe Dameron, tome 6 : Le Réveil 2019 2019

Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters

Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters, tome 1 2021
Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters, tome 2 2022
Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters, tome 3 (Star Wars: War of the bounty hunters, book 3 : The crimson blade) 2021 2022
Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters, tome 4 (Star Wars: War of the bounty hunters, book 4: Attack at dawn) 2021 2022
Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters, tome 5 (Star Wars: War of the bounty hunters, book 5: Attack at dawn) 2021 2022

Star Wars Dark Droids

Star Wars Dark Droids, tome 1 : Le fléau des droïdes (Star Wars: Dark Droids) 2023 2024
Star Wars Dark Droids, tome 2 : Executor Extirpatus (Star Wars: Dark Droids 2) 2023 2024
Star Wars Dark Droids, tome 3 : Le désastre des droïdes (Star Wars: Dark Droids 3) 2023 2024
Star Wars Dark Droids, tome 4 : Le fléau triomphant ? (Star Wars: Dark Droids 4) 2023 2024
Star Wars Dark Droids, tome 5 : Epilogue 2023 2024

Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics)

Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 01: The Chosen One, part 1 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 02: The Chosen One, part 2 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 03: The Chosen One, part 3 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 04: The Chosen One, part 4 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 05: The Chosen One, part 5 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 06: The Chosen One, part 6 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 07: The Dying Light, part 1 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 08: The Dying Light, part 2 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 09: The Dying Light, part 3 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 10: The Dying Light, part 4 2017
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 11: The Rule of Five, part 1 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 12: The Rule of Five, part 2 2018 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 13: Burning Seas, part 1 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 14: Burning Seas, part 2 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 15: Burning Seas, part 3 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 16: Burning Seas, part 4 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 17: Burning Seas, part 5 2018
Star Wars: Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith (comics), book 18: Bad Ground 2018

Star Wars: Lando (comics)

Star Wars: Lando (comics), book 1 2015
Star Wars: Lando (comics), book 2 2015
Star Wars: Lando (comics), book 3 2015
Star Wars: Lando (comics), book 4 2015
Star Wars: Lando (comics), book 5 2015

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin

Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin, book 01 2016
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin, book 02 2016
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin, book 03 2016
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin, book 04 2016
Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin, book 05 2016

Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics)

Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 01: Black Squadron, part 1 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 02: Black Squadron, part 2 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 03: Black Squadron, part 3 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 04: Lockdown, part 1 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 05: Lockdown, part 2 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 06: Lockdown, part 3 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 07: The Gathering Storm 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 08: The Gathering Storm, part 1 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 09: The Gathering Storm, part 2 2016
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 10: The Gathering Storm, part 3 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 11: The Gathering Storm, part 4 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 12: The Gathering Storm, part 5 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 13: The Gathering Storm, part 6 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 14: Legend Lost, part 1 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 15: Legend Lost, part 2 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 16: Legend Lost, part 3 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 17: War Stories, part 1 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 18: War Stories, part 2 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 19: War Stories, part 3 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 20: Legend Found, part 1 2017
Star Wars: Poe Dameron (comics), book 21: Legend Found, part 2 2017

Superman/Wonder Woman

Superman/Wonder Woman (Renaissance), tome 1 : Couple Mythique (Superman/Wonder Woman, book 1: Power Couple) 2014 2016
Superman/Wonder Woman, book 2: War and Peace 2015

Superman/Wonder Woman (Renaissance)

Superman/Wonder Woman (Renaissance), tome 1 : Couple Mythique (Superman/Wonder Woman, book 1: Power Couple) 2014 2016

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing, book 6: The Sureen 2015
Swamp Thing, book 7: Season's End 2016

Undiscovered Country

Undiscovered Country, tome 1 (Undiscovered Country, book 1: Destiny) 2020 2021
Undiscovered Country, tome 2 2021
Undiscovered Country, tome 3 (Undiscovered Country, book 3) 2022 2022
Undiscovered Country, tome 4 (Undiscovered Country, book 4) 2023 2023

Undiscovered Country (fascicule)

Undiscovered Country (fascicule), book 1 2019
Undiscovered Country (fascicule), book 2 2019
Undiscovered Country (fascicule), book 3 2020
Undiscovered Country (fascicule), book 4 2020


Daredevil, Punisher : Le septième cercle 2017 2017
Death of Wolverine 2015
Death of X 2019 2019
Eight Billion Genies 2023 2024
Inhumans vs X-Men (Inhumans Vs. X-Men) 2017
La mort de Wolverine (Death of Wolverine) 2014 2016
Le Meilleur des Super-Héros : Superman/Wonder Woman : Couple Mythique 2017 2016
Secret Wars : Civil War (Civil War: Warzones!) 2016 2017
Star Wars : Dark Vador : Le seigneur noir des Sith, intégrale (Star Wars: Darth Vader) 2017 2017
Star Wars : L'Ascension de Kylo Ren (The rise of Kylo Ren) 2020 2020
Star Wars : Lando : Le Casse du Siècle (Star Wars: Lando) 2016 2016
Star Wars : Obi-Wan & Anakin (Star Wars: Obi-Wan & Anakin) 2016 2016
Star Wars : War of the bounty hunters (Star Wars: War of the bounty hunters) 2021 2022
Strange Attractors 2017
Superman : Doomed 2015 2016
The Uncanny Inhumans (Uncanny Inhumans) 2023
Wolverine : Le retour de Wolverine 2020