You are my Princess
Hiroto Kujirada2019




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Itsumi Tachibana hates fighting. He's a student at a fancy high school who loves visiting cat cafes and collecting kitty-themed merchandise. Despite that, he looks like a gangster, which alienates him from his classmates, making him a magnet for unsavory characters outside of school. One day, the unthinkable happens: the popular, brilliant, and beautiful student body president, Seima Takajou, professes his love for Itsumi! This is a romance between complete opposites: a popular hot guy and his scary-but-sweet Cinderella!

1 édition pour ce livre

2019 [E-book] Editions Digital Manga

Anglaise Langue anglaise | Traduit par MediBang Inc. (éditeur n'existe pas dans la liste: Julian Publishing) | 163 pages | Format : ePub | Sortie : 10 septembre 2019 | ISBN : 6810000005002

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