Plays: One, The Surgeon of Honour, Life Is a Dream, Three Judgements in One
Pedro Calderon1991




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Pedro Calderòn de la Barca (1600-81) was one of the three great Spanish dramatists of the seventeenth century. Author of over 120 plays, he was writing at a time when Spain was beginning to lose its importance as a world power.
The three plays included here represent Calderon's most celebrated work, in which he explores the extent of man's freedom in a hierarchical society often bound by anachronistic codes of conduct. The plays are The Surgeon of Honour, described by Michael Billington as 'one of the most disquieting plays in all world drama ... a dark masterpiece', Life is a Dream, Calderón's most famous play, and Three Judgements in One, less well-known but one of his finest works. In recent years, the English-language theatre has rediscovered Calderón and a number of highly successful productions have been staged. These translations by Gwynne Edwards capture the ferocious spirit of his work in sharp and speakable translations.

Titre original : Plays: One, The Surgeon of Honour, Life Is a Dream, Three Judgements in One (1991)

1 édition pour ce livre

2000 Editions Methuen (Drama)

Anglaise Langue anglaise | Traduit par Gwynne Edwards | 304 pages | ISBN : 9780413634603

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