Les extraordinaires aventures d'Alfred Kropp / L'épée du roi Arthur (The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp) |
2005 |
2006 |
14.8 |
Le Sceau du Roi Salomon (The Seal of Solomon) |
2008 |
2011 |
17 |
La 5e vague, tome 1 (The Fifth Wave, book 1) |
2013 |
2013 |
16.4 |
La 5e vague, tome 2 : La mer infinie (The Fifth Wave, book 2: The Infinite Sea) |
2014 |
2014 |
15.5 |
La 5e vague, tome 3 : La dernière étoile (The Fifth Wave, book 3: The Last Star) |
2016 |
2016 |
15.5 |
Le monstrologue, tome 1 (The Monstrumologist, book 1) |
2009 |
2017 |
14.5 |
Le monstrologue, tome 2 (The Monstrumologist, book 2: The Curse of the Wendigo / The Terror beneath) |
2009 |
Le monstrologue, tome 3 (The Monstrumologist, book 3: The Isle of Blood) |
2011 |
Le monstrologue, tome 4 (The Monstrumologist, book 4: The Final Descent) |
2013 |