I thought there would be cake
Katharine Welby-Roberts2017




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Life never turns out as we expected. But connecting honestly with the one we're really in can bring all sorts of consolation . . .

Growing up, Katharine Welby-Roberts imagined that being an adult was one big party. But depression, anxiety and crippling self-doubt led her to alienate herself from others. To replay events and encounters as nightmares. Occasionally, to be unable to leave the house.

Aware of the cacophony of voices in her head, Katharine invites us to join her as she journeys to the depths of her soul. Here, with instinctive honesty and humour, she confronts the parts of her story that hinder her most.

As she charts a course that offers ways of coping with everyday issues, we are encouraged to embrace our own self-worth. To recognize the value of our existence. To let ourselves be loved. Exactly as we are.

Titre original : I thought there would be cake (2017)

1 édition pour ce livre

2017 Editions SPCK

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 144 pages | Sortie : 17 août 2017 | ISBN : 9780281075768

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