[En cours] Chall.Read in English 2024 [Fin 31/12/2024]

  • Frankie

    Englouti sous les livres

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    #101 14 Mai 2024 20:29:20

    My, oui, c'est vrai que je ne passe pas souvent. J'essaie et puis je fais toujours autre chose !

    Elizewyn et Miss Petoncle, vos lectures sont validées.

    Et ne vous inquiétez pas, je ne vais pas pouvoir passer pendant au moins 5 semaines mais c'est parce que je pars faire un grand voyage aux USA ! Retour fin juin !
  • Mypianocanta

    Livraddictien de l'espace

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    #102 22 Mai 2024 14:19:18


    this month I've read And then there were none d’Agatha Christie
    Avis (in french :P )
    J’ai lu une vieille version française de ce roman il y a une bonne trentaine d’années et je ne pensais pas le relire un jour car il m’avait fortement impressionnée par sa tension croissante et l’angoisse latente qu’il dégage. Cependant, la polémique d’il y a quelques temps autour du titre m’a donné envie … de découvrir l’original. Cela m’a d’ailleurs permis de m’apercevoir que le premier titre a été modifié aux USA dès 1940 pour l’actuel (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dix_Petits_N%C3%A8gres) et après relecture j’avoue que je préfère le nouveau en français car ce dernier vers de la comptine en révèle beaucoup finalement.

    Ceci étant posé j’ai trouvé cette (re)lecture conforme à mes souvenirs avec une intrigue prenante, pleine de suspense et d’angoisse alors que les protagonistes deviennent tour à tour suspect, détective ou victime. Et on se prend au jeu du qui va mourir, qui a tué ou va tuer jusqu’au “dernier vers” qui m’a laissé pantoise… parce que ça ne cadrait pas avec ce que sait le lecteur à ce moment-là. (j’avais bien une idée, peut-être sortie de me souvenirs mais il me manquait pas mal d’éléments). Heureusement, il y a l’épilogue pour tout expliquer (et cette fois je pense que je ne l’oublierai pas de sitôt).

    Bref, je me suis laissée emportée par l’intrigue et par-dessus tout j’ai adoré découvrir la plume originale d’Agatha Christie qui est plus qu’accessible  avec un petit truc en plus qui manque dans les traductions. J’ai donc hâte d’en (re)lire d’autres en VO et en particulier de redécouvrir les enquêtes de mon chouchou Hercule Poirot :D

    See you soon :)
  • La3ti

    Dompteur de pages

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    #103 09 Juin 2024 20:06:05


    Voici mes dernières lectures en VO

    The very secret society of irregular witches de S. Mandanna, lu dans le cadre du Bookclub. Une très chouette lecture dans le monde des sorcières. Mika est engagée pour former trois jeunes sorcières et on les suit dans leur apprentissage au sein d'une famille peu ordinaire.

    Les tomes 3 et 4 de la saga Bridgerton. Je voulais les lire avant de regarder la nouvelle saison. J'ai préféré le tome 3 au tome 4. J'ai hâte de voir comment le tome 5 va se dérouler avec les révélations du tome 4 sur l'identité de Lady Whistledown.

    10 days in a madhouse, également lu dans le cadre du BC. J'ai décidé de le lire pour sortir un peu de mes genres préférés. J'ai trouvé le livre un peu court, on passe finalement beaucoup de temps avant l'internement et on a peu de chapitres en comparaison sur l'internement en lui-même alors que le contenu est intéressant à connaitre. De voir les conditions de ces femmes, internées et souvent sans ressources pour en sortir...

    The Chrysalids de Wyndham. Un roman de science-fiction sur un monde postapocalyptique, après un événement nucléaire (?) qu'ils appellent la Tribulation. Je suis assez fan de ce style de roman dans la même veine d'Oryx et Crake de Margaret Atwood. On y découvre un des mondes possibles, dans ce cas avec un retour à un certain puritanisme fort. Je trouve cela intéressant à lire, en espérant que cela na se produise jamais...

    Je repasse aux lectures en VF pour la fin du mois.

    Bon dimanche :)

    Dernière modification par La3ti (09 Juin 2024 20:06:51)

  • Elizewyn

    Restaurateur de livres

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    #104 Hier 02:58:20

    Quite a big update for May/half of June so far ! :)

    - Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling
    I can't really comment it anymore, since i've read it so many times, it's my favourite HP books along with the half blood prince. The secrets unraveling, and getting to know Sirius, I love it ! :)

    - A little spark by Barry Jonsberg
    I wasn't prepared for this book to move me as much as it did. I thought the beginning was a little boring, a bit too young for my taste, but i quickly became very touched by CC and her dad's relationship, the imaginary word they created. The ending shattered my heart, i didn't see that coming at all !

    - Rainbow place, book 4 : Mud and Lace by Jay Northcote
    I thought this had everything to be a good story and to show some diversity in dating, but i was so disappointed.
    The love story between those two lacked so much chemistry and i hated the fact that for Wicksy it only seemed to be about fulfilling a fantasy, nothing else. They didn't share much besides sex from the better part of the story, and Wicksy got on my nerves so much because of how he was treating Charlie.
    The ending is a bit better and a little bit redeeming, but not enough to make me like this book.
    I felt ill-at-ease the entire time and even the sex scenes were putting me off because i thought Wicky was objectifying Charlie all the time.
    I know thinking you're straight your entire life and suddenly having this challenged is complicated, to navigate but i still thought he was being incredibly selfish.
    I loved Charlie though and his journey with drag and self discovery.

    - Black Klansman by Jon Stallworth
    An amazing idea for an undercover op, i'm still amazed they managed to make it work without being made and it's interesting to know more about this awful organization.
    The narration was, sadly, pretty dull and very slow and that's why it took me so long to finish this book.
    I'm not saying this op wasn't useful, valuable etc... but nothing much happens though and it was hard to keep the interest going.

    - The Shining by Stephen King
    I really wanted to like it, i usually enjoy Stephen King's books and this one being such a classic, I was sure it was going to be a great read, but it wasn't.
    Don't get me wrong, it's beautifully written and the characters and the story are well developed, but maybe too much...
    I know the descriptions and the history of the place were supposed to create an ambiance, but for me it didn't do the trick at all and I just found it boring. I wasn't moved by any of the characters except maybe Danny because he's such a good and a cute kid.
    It didn't scare me at all, which surprised me because usually King does it perfectly !
    Only the last part of the book had me on the edge of my seat but only because i was so desperate to finish it, and much to my dismay, I still wasn't scared.

    - The moth keeper by K. O'Neill
    As per usual, K. O'Neill manages to deliver such a cute, cozy story whilst giving us a great message.
    It's not my favourite work of the author as i felt i didn't have time to connect as much to all the characters as i would have liked, but i still enjoyed it a lot, and the art work is gorgeous !

    - What Alice forgot by Liane Moriarty
    I went through that book so fast, i couldn't put it down !
    I was completely immersed in the story, it also made me think so much about my own life, my choices, so i thought it was a really interesting topic to explore.
    Some of it was a bit too predictable for sure, but it didn't really impact how i felt reading it.
    I felt like i could connect with the characters, i could feel Alice's confusion all throughout the read.
    Probably one of my favourite from this author, along with "Big little lies".

    Garlic and the vampire by Bree Paulsen
    A cute, heartwarming little story. Some plotholes that left me a bit confused, but i enjoyed the character of Garlic and her braveness.
    And i thought the artwork was really well done.

    - Black beauty by Anna Sewell
    Giving what we learn about the mistreatments of horses, i don't feel like it should be labeled as a children's book, i think i would have been traumatized as a kid if i had read it.
    I like the fact that it's written from Black Beauty's point of view, and i was totally appalled by the conditions in which they have to work, it's definitely something worth talking about and condemning.
    However, i find myself being bored during some chapters, when it felt like it had too many useless informations.

    - Before we say goodbye by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
    Whilst i enjoyed each little story for what it was, very moving and also heartwarming, i felt like this volume was missing something. There was no link in between the stories, and we didn't talk about any of the stories of the people from the café (the employees or the regulars) at all.
    It felt like it was too rushed for a saga ending.

    Your lie in April, book 1 by Naoshi Arakawa
    I really like the premise of the story and the few characters we were introduced to, i'm not completely hooked just yet but i'll definitely be reading the next volumes to see where the story is going, i'm intrigued !

    - Rainbow place, book 5 : Happy place by Jay Northcote
    I like the fact that we are exploring the feelings of a middle aged man coming to terms with his sexuality and his coming out, but i wasn't super convinced by the love story, i though it lacked a spark and the relationship would have been better as a friendship.

    - The guest list by Lucy Foley
    It had all the elements to be a great book, and the setting of an isolated island seemed really cool and frightening, but it was such a let down.
    The characters were annoying and cliché, the story seemed to drag on with not much to go on and the resolution was too quick and expected.
    Only the ambiance of the island gave me a little bit of motivation to continue the story.

    Garlic and the witch by Bree Paulsen
    A cute little story with a heartfelt and hopeful message about growing up and evolving/changing, i enjoyed it.

    That's a total of 10 novels and 4 graphic novels/manga, 12 points.

    12 + 7,5 = 19,5 points

    Dernière modification par Elizewyn (Hier 03:12:09)