Off-limits, book 1: Until You
Catharina Maura2021




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Left without a job and evicted from the house she so carefully turned into a home, Aria is offered two choices: move back in with her brother… or take the job her brother’s best friend offers her.

Their lives weren’t meant to collide — but everything changes when Grayson realizes that Aria is the mysterious woman behind a wildly popular vigilante platform.

She’s the woman he’s been falling for online, the one whose coding skills outdo his, the one he’s been trying to track down.

It’s her. And she’s off-limits.

Titre original : Off-limits, book 1: Until You (2021)

1 édition pour ce livre

2021 [E-book] Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 328 pages | Format : ePub | ISBN : B0934BZHW1

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