Seven African Powers: The Orishas
Monique Joiner Siedlak




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The Seven African Powers, referred to the seven Orishas, are a common spiritual force that people petition with overcoming obstacles, spiritual growth and connecting to one’s inner power. The phrase “Seven African Powers” is found in various religions, including, Hoodoo, Santeria, Candomble, and Arara.
Often depicted with their images linked together in a chain circling an image of the crucified Jesus, these deities represent all that is sacred and powerful in Santeria. But within Santeria but there is a common misconception around who they are and how they function. Anyone can call upon the Seven African Powers, as they are spirit guides and everyone has access to these Orishas for their guidance.

Titre original : Seven African Powers: The Orishas

1 édition pour ce livre

2017 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 80 pages

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