Jaymin Eve Femme
Drapeau Australie Australie

35 livres

Accès rapide : Académie Arbon - Boys of Bellerose - Dark Legacy (Eve & James) - Demon Pack - Hive - La Bête de l'ombre - La malédiction des dieux - NYC Mecca - Supernatural Academy - Supernatural Prison - The Titan's Saga - One-shots

Titre Année VF Moyenne

Académie Arbon

Académie Arbon, tome 1 : Princesse élue (Royals of Arbon Academy, book 1: Princess Ballot) 2019 2021
Académie Arbon, tome 2 : Les Princes (Royals of Arbon Academy, book 2: Playboy Princes) 2020 2021
Académie Arbon, tome 3 : Le Trône empoisonné (Royals of Arbon Academy, book 3: Poison Throne) 2020 2022

Boys of Bellerose

Boys of Bellerose, book 1: Poison Roses 2023
Boys of Bellerose, book 2: Dirty Truths 2023
Boys of Bellerose, book 3: Shattered Dreams 2023
Boys of Bellerose, book 4: Beautiful Thorns 2023

Dark Legacy (Eve & James)

Dark Legacy (Eve & James), book 1: Broken Wings 2019
Dark Legacy (Eve & James), book 2: Broken Trust (Dark Legacy, book 2: Broken Trust) 2019
Dark Legacy (Eve & James), book 3: Broken Legacy 2019
Dark Legacy (Eve & James), book 4: Dylan 2021

Demon Pack

Demon Pack, tome 1 : le maître des runes démoniaques


Hive, book 1: Ash 2015
Hive, book 2: Anarchy 2016
Hive, book 3: Annihilate 2016

La Bête de l'ombre

La Bête de l'ombre, tome 1 : Rejetée (Shadow Beast Shifters, book 1: Rejected) 2020 2022
La bête de l'ombre, tome 2 : Récupérée (Shadow Beast Shifters, book 2: Reclaimed) 2022 2022
La bête de l'ombre, tome 3 : Réincarnée (Shadow Beast Shifter, book 3: Reborn) 2023 2023
La Bête de l'ombre, tome 4 : Désertion (Shadow Beast Shifters, book 4: Deserted) 2021 2023

La malédiction des dieux

La malédiction des dieux, tome 1 : Supercherie (Curse of the Gods, book 1: Trickery) 2017 2019
La malédiction des dieux, tome 2 : Persuasion (Curse of the Gods, book 2: Persuasion) 2017 2019
La malédiction des dieux, tome 3 : Séduction (Curse of the Gods, book 3: Seduction) 2017 2020
La malédiction des dieux, tome 4 : Force (Curse of the Gods, book 4: Strength) 2018 2020
La malédiction des dieux, tome 5 : Douleur (Curse of the Gods, book 5: Pain) 2018
La malédiction des dieux, tome 4.5 : Neutralité (Curse of the Gods, book 4.5: Neutral) 2018

NYC Mecca

NYC Mecca, book 1: Queen Heir 2016
NYC Mecca, book 2: Queen Alpha 2017
NYC Mecca, book 3: Queen Fae 2017

Supernatural Academy

Supernatural Academy, book 1: Year One 2019
Supernatural Academy, book 2: Year Two 2019
Supernatural Academy, book 3: Year Three 2019

Supernatural Prison

Supernatural Prison, book 1: Dragon Marked 2019

The Titan's Saga

The Titan's Saga, book 1: Releasing The Gods 2019
The Titan's Saga, book 2 : Wrath of The Gods 2020


Dark Legacy : The Complete Series 2020