Vlad the Drac, book 1: Vlad the Drac
Ann Jungman1982




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When the Stone family take an Easter holiday in Romania Judy and Paul are very bored - that is until they meet a tiny vampire under a stone near Count Dracula's castle. Not only is the vampire very tiny, he is also a vegetarian with dreams of starring in horror films... Vlad persuades Judy and Paul to smuggle him back to London but the children decide to keep him a secret in case the vampire gets put in a museum or the zoo. Still a vampire left on his own all day can get terribly bored and find all kinds of mischief to pass the time. A very funny book that has stood the test of time and an entertaining look at the problems facing an outsider.

1 édition pour ce livre

1982 Editions HarperCollins (Children's books)

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 124 pages | ISBN : 9781903015223

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