Erle Stanley Gardner Homme
Drapeau Etats-Unis Etats-Unis


Né le 17 juillet 1889
Drapeau Etats-Unis Etats-Unis


Décédé le 11 mars 1970
à 80 ans • Temecula
Drapeau Etats-Unis Etats-Unis

59 livres

Accès rapide : Perry Mason - Perry Mason, intégrale - One-shots

Titre Année VF Moyenne

Perry Mason

Sur la corde raide / Perry Mason et les griffes de velours / L'avocat accusé (The Case of the Velvet Claws) 1933 1935
La jeune fille boudeuse (The Case of the Sulky Girl) 1933
Jeu de jambes (The Case of the Lucky Legs) 1934
Coups de crocs (The Case of the Howling Dog) 1934 1951
L'Épouse épouvantée / L'Épouse trop curieuse (The Case of the Curious Bride) 1935 1956
Le borgne bizarre (The case of the counterfeit eye) 1956 1956
Un chat pour client (The case of the caretaker's cat) 1964 1964
La veuve vigilante (The Case of the Dangerous Dowager) 1937 1956
Le canari boiteux (The case of the lame canari) 1937 1949
Visages de rechange (The case of the substitute face) 1949 1949
Crime en deux temps (The case of the roling bones) 1949 1949
Le mari fantôme (The case of the haunted husband) 1950 1950
Le canard qui se noie (The Case of the Drowning Duck) 1942 1954
La langue au chat... (The Case of the Careless Kitten) 1942 1952
La pendule enterrée (The case of the buried clock) 1945 1945
Le Moustique flemmard (The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito) 1943 1952
La bougie bancale (The case of the crooked candle) 1958 1958
La blonde au coquard (The case of the black-eyed blonde) 1950 1950
Poisson en péril (The Case of the Golddigger's Purse) 1945 1955
La danseuse et le cheval (The case of the fan-dancer's horse) 1947 1951
La vierge vagabonde (The case of the vagabond virgin) 1948 1950
Le Bigame innocent (The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom) 1949 1950
La nymphe négligente, tome 35 (The Case of the Negligent Nymph) 1950 1955
Les doigts de flamme (The case of the fiery fingers) 1951 1952
L'amoureux agressif (The case of the angry mourner) 1952 1953
Le vison mité (The case of the moth-eaten mink) 1954 1954
Gare au gorille (The Case of the Grinning Gorilla) 1952 1953
La vamp aux yeux verts (The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister) 1953 1956
La rousse se remue (The case of the restless redhead) 1955 1955
La nudiste navrée (The case of the sun bather's diary) 1955 1955
Le fantôme a du sex appeal (The case of the glamorous ghost) 1956 1956
L'entôleuse émotive (The case of the gilded lily) 1957 1957
L'accusée accomplie (The case of the demure defendant) 1957 1957
Le mari menteur (The case of the screaming woman) 1958 1958
Le chauffard chanceux (The case of the lucky loser) 1957 1957
Un fieffé filou (The case of the daring decoy) 1958 1958
Trois poupées perfides (The case of the long-legged model) 1958 1958
Le modèle meurtri (The case of the calendar girl) 1959 1959
Carrousel de calibres (The case of the singing skirt) 1960 1960
L'horrible hypothèse (The case of the deadly toy) 1959 1959
Satyre au sang (The case of the waylaid wolf) 1960 1960
Piège pour Perry (The case of the duplicate daughter) 1960 1960
Sombre samedi (The Case of the Spurious Spinster ) 1961 1961
Le faux frey (The case of the reluctant model) 1962 1962
Curieux contrat (The case of the blonde bonanza) 1963 1963
Au grand galop (The case of the ice cold hands) 1963 1963
Menace de mariage (The case of the amorous aunt) 1964 1964
Au Mauvais Moment (The Case of the Step-Daughter's Secret ) 1963 1964
Le sosie suspect (The case of the mischievous doll) 1963 1963
La fortune fantôme (The case of the phantom fortune) 1965 1965
Les héritiers horrifiés (The case of the horrified heirs) 1965 1965
Divorce à la diable (The case of the daring divorcee) 1964 1964
L'inquiétante ingénue (The case of the beautiful beggar) 1966 1966
La serveuse soucieuse (The case of the worried waitress) 1967 1967
Le bain de barbelés (The case of the fenced-in woman) 1970 1973

Perry Mason, intégrale

Perry Mason, intégrale, tome 1 1998


Perry Mason 1993
Objection, Votre Honneur 1990
L'hirondelle éplorée (The Case of Crying Swallow) 1947 1973