1 |
Walking dead, tome 01 : Passé décomposé (The Walking Dead, book 01: Days Gone Bye) |
2004 |
16.6 788 votes |
2 |
Walking dead, tome 02 : Cette vie derrière nous (The Walking Dead, book 2: Miles Behind Us) |
2004 |
16.6 557 votes |
3 |
Walking dead, tome 03 : Sains et saufs ? (The Walking Dead, book 3: Safety Behind Bars) |
2005 |
16.9 457 votes |
4 |
Walking dead, tome 04 : Amour et mort (The Walking Dead, book 4: The Heart's Desire) |
2005 |
16.6 412 votes |
5 |
Walking dead, tome 05 : Monstrueux (The Walking Dead, book 05: The Best Defense) |
2006 |
16.9 362 votes |
6 |
Walking dead, tome 06 : Vengeance (The Walking Dead, book 06: This Sorrowful Life) |
2007 |
17 323 votes |
7 |
Walking dead, tome 07 : Dans l'oeil du cyclone (The Walking Dead, book 07: The Calm Before) |
2007 |
16.8 285 votes |
8 |
Walking dead, tome 08 : Une vie de souffrance (The Walking Dead, book 08: Made To Suffer) |
2008 |
17.4 275 votes |
9 |
Walking dead, tome 09 : Ceux qui restent (The Walking Dead, book 09: Here We Remain) |
2009 |
16.8 257 votes |
10 |
Walking Dead, tome 10 : Vers quel avenir ? (The Walking Dead, book 10 : What We Become) |
2009 |
16.9 240 votes |
11 |
Walking Dead, tome 11 : Les Chasseurs (The Walking Dead, book 11 : Fear The Hunters) |
2010 |
17.2 225 votes |
12 |
Walking Dead, tome 12 : Un monde parfait (The Walking Dead, book 12 : Life Among Them) |
2010 |
16.7 211 votes |
13 |
Walking Dead, tome 13 : Point de non-retour (The Walking Dead, book 13 : Too Far Gone) |
2010 |
16.4 201 votes |
14 |
Walking Dead, tome 14 : Piégés ! (The Walking Dead, book 14 : No Way Out) |
2011 |
17 194 votes |
15 |
Walking Dead, tome 15 : Deuil & espoir (he Walking Dead, book 15 : We Find Ourselves) |
2011 |
16.3 179 votes |
16 |
Walking Dead, tome 16 : Un vaste monde (The Walking Dead, book 16: A larger world) |
2012 |
16.5 171 votes |
17 |
Walking Dead, tome 17 : Terrifiant (The Walking Dead, book 17 : Something to Fear) |
2012 |
17.2 173 votes |
18 |
Walking Dead, tome 18 : Lucille... (The Walking Dead, book 18 : What Comes After) |
2013 |
16.7 157 votes |
19 |
Walking dead, tome 19 : Ezéchiel (The Walking dead, book 19 : March to war) |
2013 |
16.7 153 votes |
20 |
Walking Dead, tome 20 : Sur le sentier de la guerre (The Walking Dead, book 20 : All out War, part 1) |
2014 |
16.7 137 votes |
21 |
Walking Dead, tome 21 : Guerre totale (The Walking Dead, book 20 : All out War, part 2) |
2014 |
16.6 134 votes |
22 |
Walking Dead, tome 22 : Une autre vie (The Walking Dead, book 22: A New Beginning) |
2015 |
17.2 142 votes |
23 |
Walking Dead, tome 23 : Murmures (The Walking Dead, book 23 : Whispers into Screams) |
2015 |
17 136 votes |
24 |
Walking Dead, tome 24 : Opportunités |
2015 |
17.3 128 votes |
25 |
Walking Dead, tome 25 : Sang pour sang |
2016 |
16.7 109 votes |
26 |
Walking Dead, tome 26 : L'appel aux armes |
2016 |
17.3 114 votes |
27 |
Walking Dead, tome 27 : Les chuchoteurs |
2017 |
17 105 votes |
28 |
Walking Dead, tome 28 : Vainqueurs |
2017 |
16.6 105 votes |
29 |
Walking Dead, tome 29 : La ligne blanche |
2018 |
16.3 103 votes |
30 |
Walking Dead, tome 30 : Nouvel Ordre Mondial |
2018 |
15.9 94 votes |
31 |
Walking Dead, tome 31 : Pourri jusqu'à l'os |
2019 |
15.9 87 votes |
32 |
Walking dead, tome 32 : La fin du voyage. (The walking dead, vol. 32: Rest in peace.) |
2019 |
16.6 86 votes |
33 |
Walking dead, tome 33 : Epilogue |
2020 |
16.3 89 votes |
HS 1 |
Walking Dead : L'étranger |
2016 |
13.8 17 votes |
HS 2 |
Walking Dead : Negan |
2018 |
15.7 58 votes |
HS 3 |
Le retour de Negan |
2020 |
15.7 13 votes |