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16 avril 2017 19:52

Dive bar, tome 2 : Twist



Kylie Scott

En débarquant au Dive Bar pour rencontrer l’homme avec lequel elle échange des mails depuis des mois, Alex Park était loin d’imaginer la tournure que prendraient les événements. Joe Collins n’avait pourtant pas l’intention d’utiliser le compte de son frère à son insu. Sauf qu’il...

RomanRomance | Erotisme

Editions Macmillan (2017)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a lu et chroniqué

15 avril 2017 22:20

Simon Snow, tome 1 : Carry on (Simon Snow, book 1: Carry On)



Rainbow Rowell

Simon Snow déteste cette rentrée. Sa petite amie rompt avec lui ; son professeur préféré l'évite ; et Baz, son insupportable colocataire et ennemi juré, a disparu. Qu'il se trouve à l'école de magie de Watford ne change pas grand-chose. Simon n'a rien, mais vraiment rien de l'Élu. Et...


Editions Pocket (2024)

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15 avril 2017 21:54

Just Like That



Nicola Rendell

"I bet I can untangle you." At an airport baggage claim, Penny Darling looks up from her knotted mess of ear buds to find the sexiest hunk of man she's ever seen. He's got a military haircut, a scar through his eyebrow, and he's rocking a pastel pink dress shirt like only a real man...

RomanRomance | Contemporaine

Editions Autoédité (2017)

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15 avril 2017 21:51

Ripple Effect, book 4



Keri Lake

Ripley They call me RIP. I’m a killer. A murderer. A psychopath. In the eyes of the righteous, I’m a monster, born of sin and depravity. I want to protect her, but I’m not a good man. I want to love her, but I no longer feel. She gets under my skin, though, and has awakened something...

RomanRomance | Thriller

Editions Autoédité (2017)

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15 avril 2017 21:49

Perfect Chemistry



Aria Cole

Devon Walsh is brilliant, demanding, and lives life by a rigid set of rules. As chemistry teacher at the high school, his focus is single-minded, his expectations exacting. He has little interest in dating or relationships because nothing comes between him and the job. But Devon has one downfall...

RomanRomance | Contemporaine

Editions Autoédité (2017)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a lu et chroniqué

12 avril 2017 23:18

B-Boy, book 3: Breaking Free



S. Briones Lim

A one-night stand that changes her life forever… Mallory Carmichael is a pianist who just lost out on the biggest solo of her life. To ease the sting, she heads to the club, where she meets Asher Nolan—a sexy dancer with wicked confidence in his eyes. Mallory loses herself in a night of...

RomanRomance | Contemporaine

Editions Limitless Publishing (2017)

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12 avril 2017 23:18

B-Boy, book 2: Breaking Hearts



S. Briones Lim

Estelle Donovan knew college would force her out of her wallflower ways—but she never dreamed how far… Known as shy and insecure, eighteen-year-old Estelle left for college with the hope it would bring an adventure of excitement and discovery, and give her plenty of room to spread her wings....

RomanRomance | Contemporaine

Editions Limitless Publishing (2016)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a lu et chroniqué

9 avril 2017 21:24

Nesos Atlas, intégrale, tome 1 : L’empire perdu des rois



Céline Mancellon

Leïos est un jeune insulaire de dix-neuf ans dont la vie solitaire se retrouve soudain bouleversée par l’arrivée de Bias Vénéros, énigmatique étranger. Ce dernier va l’entraîner dans un univers oublié des Hommes, dont il devra changer l’histoire

RomanFantasy | Romance

Editions MxM Bookmark (2017)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a lu et chroniqué

8 avril 2017 19:02

Samantha ou Le chemin de l'amour est pavé de psychopathes, tome 3



Louisa Méonis

Moi, c’est Samantha, et ma vie, c’est pire que le rayon chocolat la veille de Noël. Avant, je m’ennuyais. Avant, j’étais seule. Avant, je rêvais d’une vie sexy et trépidante de super héroïne forte-à-l’extérieur-mais-fragile-à-l’intérieur. En fait, j’étais complètement...

RomanRomance | Erotisme

Editions Harlequin (2016)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a lu et chroniqué

7 avril 2017 23:21

B-Boy, book 1: Breaking Promises



S. Briones Lim

After a devastating accident, Aurora Crane's collegiate gymnastics career comes to an abrupt end… Fighting to piece her life back together, Aurora packs up and transfers to California State to start anew. When she arrives, her focus is on schoolwork and choosing a new career. But to her...

RomanRomance | Contemporaine

Editions Limitless Publishing (2016)

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Chroniques Aléatoires a chroniqué

7 avril 2017 22:06

The Guardians Trilogy, book 1: The X-Variant



Rosemary Cole

In 2079, a devastating synthetic virus is unleashed that destroys most of humanity. Over the following centuries, however, the virus evolves into a beneficial symbiont that enhances and interconnects its human hosts, and a new post-human race is born: the Unathi. But in 2616, their peaceful...


Editions Autoédité (2017)