Coven of Bones, book 1: The Coven
Harper L. Woods2023




18 votes


Raised to be my father’s weapon against the Coven that took away his sister and his birthright, I would do anything to protect my younger brother from suffering the same fate. My duty forces me to the secret town of Crystal Hollow and the prestigious Hollow’s Grove University—where the best and brightest of my kind learn to practice their magic free from human judgment.

There are no whispered words here. No condemnation for the blood that flows through my veins. The only animosity I face comes from the beautiful and infuriating Headmaster, Alaric Grayson Thorne, a man who despises me just as much as I loathe him and everything he stands for.

But that doesn’t mean secrets don’t threaten to tear the school in two. No one talks about the bloody massacre that forced it to close decades prior, only the opportunity it can afford to those fortunate enough to attend.

Because for the first time in fifty years, the Coven will open its wards to the Thirteen: thirteen promising students destined to change the world.

If the ghosts of Hollow’s Groves’ victims don’t kill them first...

The Coven is book one in the Coven of Bones series and ends on a cliffhanger. This is a gothic, dark-academia, paranormal romance and includes elements that may be triggering to some listeners.

3 éditions pour ce livre

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2024 Editions Harlequin (&H - Romantasy)

Française Langue française | Traduit par Suzy Borello | 389 pages | Sortie : 3 avril 2024 | ISBN : 9782280497145

2024 [E-book] Editions Harlequin (&H - Romantasy)

Française Langue française | Traduit par Suzy Borello | 388 pages | Format : ePub | Sortie : 3 avril 2024 | ISBN : 9782280504836

2023 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 302 pages | Sortie : 12 mars 2023 | ISBN : 9798385603350

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1 commentaire

  • Thalie Le 21 Avril 2024 à 12:24
    Heureusement que la suite va sortir bientôt car clairement, j'ai trop hâte de découvrir l'évolution de l'histoire^^

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