The Auran Chronicles, book 2: Spring Guardians & Songbirds
Wendy Heiss2022




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In a god blessed realm, where lies are the weapon of rulers, Snowlin held perhaps the sharpest blade there was.

After falling for a lie and ruling over another, Snowlin starts revealing her dealing hand. Two queens and a joker. Isjord hanging by her carefully woven threads deep in her father’s council, and Adriata pushed to the corner of her mercy, she awaits. But first she must stop Isjord from taking Adriata before her. Reborn as their demon, she unmasks long hidden fear and returns to take her seat along the Night King as his Queen, much to everyone’s displeasure.

His suffering was always her plan.

Earning her was his.

Whose will fail first?

A new revelation inevitably ties Snowlin to the Obscur Asteri, forcing a new bargain to be struck between the two. The odds knew no favour to the wicked or kind in Numengarth, but the wind, sky and thunder favoured her as she ensues a quest to find Aurora’s sceptre pieces before her father and put an end to the war he’d started long before her creation, that of ultimate destruction.

While leading the game of crowns, which king will she sacrifice first? Her father or her husband?

Titre original : The Auran Chronicles, book 2: Spring Guardians & Songbirds (2022)

1 édition pour ce livre

2022 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 536 pages | Sortie : 24 juillet 2022 | ISBN : 9798841917267

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