Everything happens for a reason: and other lies I’ve loved
Kate Bowler2018




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London-born Kate Bowler, a 35-year-old theology professor, is thriving in her job, married to her high-school sweetheart and besotted with newborn son. Everything in her life seems to point towards “blessing”.
Then she is diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer.
What does it mean to die, she wonders, in a society that insists everything happens for a reason?
Savagely funny, warm and profound, this memoir reveals how, in dying, an exceptional young woman learns to live like never before.

Titre original : Everything happens for a reason: and other lies I’ve loved (2018)

1 édition pour ce livre

2018 Editions SPCK

Française Langue française | 208 pages | Sortie : 6 février 2018 | ISBN : 9780281079285

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