Fairytales Reimagined, book 3: Beastly secrets
Laura Burton et Jessie Cal2021




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Belle descends to a dungeon looking for a chemist she’s heard is being kept prisoner.
A chemist who knows how to make the cure she’s been eagerly looking for.
But that’s not all she finds…

Not only is the chemist wiped of his memories, but he’s also the rightful king of the White Rose kingdom––the king who was presumed dead by his brother five years ago.

Nathaniel, however, is nothing like his wicked brother.
He is intelligent, kind, sweet, and everything Belle has ever dreamed of in a man.
Except, she cannot fall in love with him.

Belle knows that as soon as his memories return, Nathaniel will need to leave to fight for his kingdom.
But she needs the cure, and the only way to get it is to help him get his memories back. It won’t be easy.
Not with such powerful foes after him, and a beast roaming around the forest attacking the villages.

It’s her only choice if she wants to be set free once and for all…

Titre original : Fairytales Reimagined, book 3: Beastly secrets (2021)

1 édition pour ce livre

2021 Editions Autoédité

Anglaise Langue anglaise | 292 pages | Sortie : 6 juillet 2021 | ISBN : 9798538641659

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